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Legal Dispute Intensifies Between HYBE and ADOR Subsidiary, Parents of ‘New Jeans’ Band Members Hire Specialist Entertainment Lawyer

터보뉴스 조회수  

뉴진스 /인스타그램
뉴진스 /인스타그램

As the legal conflict persists between HYBE and Min Hee Jin, the representative of its subsidiary label ADOR, the parents of the band members of ‘New Jeans’, under ADOR, have confirmed their decision to hire a specialist lawyer experienced in entertainment disputes.

Industry sources on the 19th have reported that the parents of ‘New Jeans’ members appointed Kang Jin Suk, a legal expert in entertainment law, on the 14th. This move comes just before a hearing for a preliminary injunction filed against HYBE by Min.


Kang is recognized for his proficiency in handling contract disputes and litigation pertaining to performance fees between artists and their agencies. He describes his professional experience on his blog, detailing his work with exclusive contract reviews, terminations, claims for damages due to breaches of exclusive contracts and lawsuits involving the return of investment funds in entertainment companies.

On the 17th, the members of ‘New Jeans’ submitted petitions to the court via Kang, expressing their desire to continue their professional relationship with Min. Prior to the issue coming to light, they had also communicated their concerns to HYBE’s management about the similarities between the concepts of ‘New Jeans’ and another HYBE girl group, ‘Ailet’.

Min has retained the law firm Sejong to represent her in the ongoing dispute with HYBE. Additionally, there is speculation that the ‘New Jeans’ members might also challenge their exclusive contracts with HYBE, given that their parents have sought the services of a specialist in entertainment disputes.

An emergency shareholders meeting of ADOR, scheduled for the 31st, will discuss HYBE’s proposal to replace ADOR’s management, including Min. The court’s decision on the injunction is expected to be announced prior to this meeting.

게시물 Legal Dispute Intensifies Between HYBE and ADOR Subsidiary, Parents of ‘New Jeans’ Band Members Hire Specialist Entertainment Lawyer터보뉴스-Turbonews에 처음 등장했습니다.

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